First up, I spent Labor Day weekend in Port Clinton, Catawba Island and Put In Bay with friends watching the Buckeyes, celebrating me and the Warren’s wedding Anniversary and just have a ton of fun! We drank, ate and had such a blast!

Then, it was dinner and a goodbye to a great friend and pasta night with the Warren to watch the Browns first game. The pasta was way better than that game.

Next, it was time for Luke Bryan! It is tradition to have a ticket stop at the Music Farm with Luke’s drummer and bassist. Then later that night it was off to Blossom to Luke Bryan with Cole Swindell with Jon Langston. Super fun times!

Rascal Flatts was the last show at Blossom for the 2019 summer season. They always put on a great show, and they were there with Jordan Davis and Jimmie Allen. The next day was the very first WQMX 5Kay. We were able to raise $5,500 for WQMX’s Bosom Buddies!

Finally, after a busy month a had a night out with friends to watch the Buckeyes win again! But, I did notice my neighbor girl a few houses down may be trying to steal my thunder with her very own pink mobile 😉